• A Train Ride to Discovery

    by Sierra Baird Traveling to another country with different customs and a different language makes me look inward at who I really am. What is my culture? I know I have one, but identifying it is like describing the smell of the room that you’ve been sitting in all day. …

  • The Start!

    by Sarah Arnoff  The Start! We arrived when it was raining. Rain is not a good morale booster when the recipients of the unfortunate precipitation are already tired, hungry and completely lost. My map had nearly gone to pieces even though we were attempting to huddle under a doorway and …

  • A Mid-Summer’s Dream Under a Star-Soaked Sky

    by Emily Primrose “Why on earth would you want to go to the Czech Republic?” “Wouldn’t you rather go somewhere cool like London or Japan?” “What is there in the Czech Republic?” “It’s a former communist country right? Is it safe?” “Are you really sure about doing this?” These were …

  • Orange Iris Revolutionary

     by Amanda Crittenden It’s 10:00 pm and I’m sitting at the kitchen table trying to finish tomorrow’s lesson plan for my 4th graders. I tap my pencil on the Czech-English dictionary, which for the past three weeks has become part of the table centerpiece at my new home here in …